Thursday, October 9, 2008

Playing with Photoshop

I finally started playing with the Photoshop Elements that came with my Bamboo Fun. The leaves picture is mine incorporated into a Photoshop layout.

It's a start....

(P.S. I've spent the last week and a half playing Dr. Doolittle at a friend's house in, literally, the middle of nowhere. I'm going to catch up on emails this weekend...I promise!).

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Change for the Better

Another AOL CD project.....

Seems like a good message for our times right now.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Your Invitation Is In The Mail

Here's hoping I can find enough loose change in my sofa to buy these beautiful items for my next dinner party....

Monday, September 29, 2008

Craft Night Fun

So, the girls and I got together this past Saturday night for crafting fun. Go over to my incredibly talented friend Brigitte's blog at and see me in all my non-makeup, hair pulled back in a ponytail (I even have bang-wings, y'all!) glory. She captured some ACTION!CRAFTING! shots of us and conveniently left out the pictures of us stuffing our faces with food.

Here's the closeup of my project in all its imperfect glory....

Now go over to Brigitte's blog to find out what in the world it is.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

You Are Heading in the Right Direction

So, you know those annoying AOL CDs you find for free just about everywhere? Well, I took a bunch from my local 7-11 (they didn't mind) and decided to see if I could make something with them. I found some great Asian-themed scrapbook papers at Michael's and, combined with some fortunes from fortune cookies (what? you don't save yours?!) and Mod Podge, started making these.

Cute, right?

Friday, September 26, 2008

Happiness is an Epson V200 Scanner

Roses after the rain....

Click for larger size....

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Art History Minor and still confused...

I can certainly appreciate the technical skill of this artist, but I'm confused (and a bit scared) when I try to contemplate the "symbolism..."

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Monday, September 22, 2008

Retro Fabric Print

Here's the start of a possible retro fabric print idea...

P.S. Was away a bit longer than I though I would be....had some family members with some health scares in the stress of my grandma's death. But things seem to be better now. Thanks for the thoughts and prayers!

Monday, September 8, 2008


From an email I just sent to friends:

I just got the phone call that I knew was grandma (my dad's mom) just passed away. She had been battling the last stage of Alzheimers for a while now, so it was just a matter of time.

As [friend's name deleted for privacy] has said many times about her mom, this is actually a blessing. The world had been a scary place for her for quite a while now and her own body stopped functioning as a basic human being in the last few months. She couldn't physically do anything for herself and, for my grandma, that was hell. I know she's in a better place. I do worry about my grandpa now, but I know my family will rally around him.

Everything that made her "her" had been stripped from her in these last couple of years, but I know it's all being restored now.

Peace, y'all!

Grooooooovy flowers....

Heart Tree

Possible Valentine's Day design...

More experimentation...

Cartoon apple tree....

Like the bold graphic quality but it's still not what I'm picturing in my head....

I just remodeled my living room...

And this would be PERFECT!!!!!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Little Red Riding Hood

This is getting to what I want to do more of my with Bamboo Fun....

The concept and idea are there....I need more practice and work on the execution.


So, there are two more computer playtoys I want, but I thought they were so far out of my financial reach that I'd just have to stare at pictures of them and sigh longingly.

The first is an Epson 1400 large format photo printer. It prints from 4X6 up to 13X19! It prints 12X12 sheets which would be perfect for me in scrapbook page design. The second toy is an Epson V200 scanner. I really want it because it scans color slide film (yes, I use old-fashioned "film" and I love Fuji Sensia color slide film). Then I could scan my slides onto my computer.

Anyway, I just found, on the Epson site, that both of these models have refurbished models in stock with free shipping. They're considerably less than new models and the refurbished just means people sent them back (they work fine). They may be missing something (I checked both and the printer comes without a USB problem).

My next getting the printer. And the paycheck after that...time for the scanner!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Making Your Life Easier

Death can be a difficult subject to broach, but these lovely urns should make the discussion easier:

Thursday, September 4, 2008

A Couple of Cartooning Experiments

Some cartoon experiments/playing...

Hoping they're the beginning of some bigger ideas.


Wow! This will go with everything....

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


I hate being sick...all snotty with a massive headache. Just so you know.

But, I do love being at home and wallowing in sickness. Which means sitting in front of the TV watching previous seasons of Project Runway in a marathon.

With plenty of chocolate at my disposal.

Two Cartoon Trees

Hey....there's other colors besides brown and turquoise on my Bamboo Fun!

Who knew?!

More designs

Not sure about these.....

But I do love turquoise and brown together.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Gotta go now before it's gone....

I can't BELIEVE someone is giving this stuff away for free!!!!

My Version of a "Holiday"

Is it wrong that I've spent my Labor Day weekend holiday playing on my computer and napping?

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Another scrapbook design

Another possible scrapbook page design....

Or maybe these are supposed to be fabric.....

Scrapbook design

A possible scrapbook page design.....

Now, I only need to get my hands on an Epson 1440 Photo Printer to print it : )

One Person's "Art"....

Now, remember, these are NOT toys:

Saturday, August 30, 2008

My New Toy

Was it worth spending too much money on a Bamboo Fun so I can draw cartoon hedgehogs whenever I want?
I think so.